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This segment focuses on the importance of staff care and self-care for service providers and helpers working directly with victims of human trafficking and individuals on the move. Whether in non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or shelters managed by the government, it is crucial to prioritise the well-being of these professionals due to the demanding nature of their work and the challenges they face.

The work carried out by NGOs and shelter staff can be emotionally and mentally draining. Professionals, including those involved in mental health and psychosocial support, often encounter distressing and traumatic experiences while working with vulnerable populations. Continuous exposure to such situations can lead to emotional stress, work burnout, physical ailments, and high rates of absence from work.

To address these challenges, it is essential to implement staff care approaches and self-care strategies. The material available for download contains the staff care approach and a manual specifically designed for NGOs. It also includes a practical example of a programme implemented by the NGO “Zene sa Une”.

By prioritising staff care and self-care, organisations can better support their employees and mitigate the negative effects of their demanding work. This, in turn, ensures the well-being and effectiveness of service providers and helpers, allowing them to continue their vital work in assisting victims of THB and individuals on the move.

Addressing the holistic needs of survivors of human trafficking and people on the move requires a comprehensive understanding of the trauma they have endured and the provision of effective interventions. By integrating the insights from the manual on body therapy and the importance of staff care, NGOs can create an inclusive and supportive environment for both survivors and their employees. With collective effort from organisations, practitioners, and supportive programmes like the Staff Wellness and Resiliency Building Programme, we can empower survivors, promote well-being, and contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and resilient society.


Body Therapy

This manual introduces body therapy as a type of therapy that addresses both the physical body and the ways it correlates with psychological and emotional aspects. It provides an overview of the theoretical foundations, practical techniques, and advice for the effective application of body therapy.

Essential Principles of Staff Wellness and Resiliency Building Programme

The objective of this section is to introduce the Staff Care and Resiliency Initiative and its associated procedures, ensuring that practitioners working in the provision of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) are well-informed about the resources and support available to them.

Staff Care

Manual for Professionals from the NGO Sector Trained to Work with Victims of Human Trafficking, Traumatised Persons, and People on the Move

The manual explains why staff care is essential for organisations to improve the well-being, job satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty of their employees. It gives a holistic interpretation of this practise, encompassing emotional support, professional development, a healthy work environment, and work-life balance.

Staff Care Approach

Staff care refers to the efforts made by an organisation to monitor, protect, and promote the well-being of its employees. Implementing a staff care framework should be seen as an ethical responsibility for humanitarian organisations.

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MHPSS For People on The Move The PaCT project, in collaboration with NGOs, has implemented tailored mental health and psychosocial support approaches for vulnerable populations within migration flows.


MHPSS For Victims Of THB The focus of this segment is on providing comprehensive mental health and psychosocial support to all victims of human trafficking seeking refuge in shelters.


Staff Care & Self Care This segment highlights the significance of prioritizing staff care and self-care strategies for service providers and helpers working with victims of human trafficking and individuals on the move.