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Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

For Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Victims of THB

This website is dedicated to providing resources regarding knowledge and experiences with different approaches for implementing of mental health and psychosocial support service (MHPSS) for people on the move. It also provides MHPSS to practitioners who work with individuals affected by trauma due to displacement, migration, and trafficking. People on the move, including victims of trafficking in human beings (THB), often experience significant trauma, highlighting the crucial need for MHPSS. Simultaneously, professionals working with traumatised people face the risk of secondary trauma due to the emotionally demanding nature of their work. Therefore, staff care and self-care are of equal importance for both the personal well-being and resilience of those working in these roles, as well as for effective support provision.

Our comprehensive collection of resources, tools, and guidelines, developed by the regional project on Preventing and Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans (PaCT), is specifically tailored to address the MHPSS needs in the context of working with vulnerable populations. These valuable resources aim to equip practitioners with the necessary knowledge and strategies to provide effective and sustainable support.

By prioritising staff care and self-care, we acknowledge that practitioners’ well-being is fundamental to their ability to deliver support of the highest quality. We believe that self-care is not a luxury, but a vital component of maintaining personal resilience and preventing burnout.

By promoting a holistic approach to support provision, we aim to empower practitioners and create a positive impact on their lives and the lives of individuals they take care of.

We invite you to explore our platform and access these valuable resources, which will contribute to enhancing your knowledge, skills, and self-care practises in working with vulnerable populations.

Explore our platform and access valuable resources.


MHPSS For People on The Move The PaCT project, in collaboration with NGOs, has implemented tailored mental health and psychosocial support approaches for vulnerable populations within migration flows.


MHPSS For Victims Of THB The focus of this segment is on providing comprehensive mental health and psychosocial support to all victims of human trafficking seeking refuge in shelters.


Staff Care & Self Care This segment highlights the significance of prioritizing staff care and self-care strategies for service providers and helpers working with victims of human trafficking and individuals on the move.